2021 Book Project

Mules have been found to be the best pack animals in hard-to-reach areas where supplies are needed. Even today, they are utilized by companies and governments where helicopters cannot reach.

Wild Bill, Do You Want To Be A Pack Mule? is the story is about a young mule who doesn’t like the uncomfortable equipment needed to be a pack mule. See how he shows his displeasure and builds confidence in a sweet, rhyming way with the help of his young packer.

Wild Bill acts like many young children who are hesitant to learn new things due to discomfort or fear. We caretakers simply love them and gently repeat the needed sequences until confidence and trust are reached!


MEET The Wild YOUng bill!

Picture book written in rhyme format for preschool—2nd grade. It assists in talking about supplies, transportation, organization, and the difficulty of training or learning new things.
Available through the author and Amazon. (Bulk order pricing available on request.)




Read The Wild Bill Sequel!

A second picture book called Wild Bill, The Pack Mule of Camp Carlin, written with 3rd—5th grade history/social studies standards in mind. The book centers around a pack mule that actually was assigned to Camp Carlin, or Cheyenne Depot, next to a new town called Cheyenne in Wyoming territory, 1867-1890. This adventure takes our new pack mule from a fussy shavetail to Fort Laramie with one big adventure along the way! Available through the author, Amazon, or order at your local bookstore. Wholesale distribution is available through Ingram.



Live Read Sessions

Bringing History Alive for Children with Real Stories!

About The Illustrator

Connie Schlepp Weiskopf, a Colorado native, commands a masterful technique in her watercolor paintings. Her work has been shown nationally and abroad in solo and group exhibitions. She enjoys focusing on details inspired by the beauty of God’s creation.
